Change Windows Password Without Knowing Old One

Lets assume that you have get victims computer in switched on mode and want to change there password without knowing old one, can we do this ?

Yes we can .

Okay lets do one thing first. Open your command prompt (run as administrator in win 7 or vista).

Type the following command :

net user

You get administrator of account like as below image :

after getting name of administrator type below command.

net user *

Ex: net user vrtheworld *

Hit enter. Set any password for that account.
Hopefully your new password must have been set. Did you notice one thing ? It didn't ask you to confirm old password. 

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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