Create LAN Network To Play Sharing Game, Internet And Data By PC

WLAN is only used for internet because of those commonly know  tag "WI-FI enabled"...
But there are many more  possibilities...
U can also play multiplayer LAN games by connecting 2 or more computer using AD HOC facility in ur PC with windows 7
Let me explain in detail..

Following Things u need beofre playing a Multiplayer game via a wireless network...

  1. A PC with WLAN (most of the Laptops now carry a built in WLAN)
  2. A game with multiplayer capability

Follow below steps:

Switch ON ur WLAN(wifi)
Now u have to create a WLAN ad hoc network.
Go to control panel
Network and sharing center->Setup a connection or Network.

  • A new window pops up....scroll down u'll see SETUP AD HOC Network,click on it

    click on  Next.

    • It will ask for the name of the network..give a name of ur choice...for a instance take it as My Network.

    In the password block ,enter the password of the network (You will need this password to connect to ur PC from other PC)
    Set Authentication type to WEP
    check the SAVE THIS NETWORK box.

    And click on next, finally a WALNnetwork is ready to get connected...

    So now the server is ready to accept connections from other computer...

    Now  on the second PC...  Switch on it's WI-FI(WLAN)  and a the right-lower corner u'll find a icon in notification area like a computer monitor...
    when u click on it,a small window above it popups,its the network manager....
    it will display all the wifi networks which is in the range of ur PC....
    And the network that u create in the first PC...

    • i.e My Network will appear on on it and select CONNECT....
    it will ask for the password..enter the password which u gave while creating the network....and hit it done both of ur PC are connected...

    Now u can share files,data,music,play games..etc etc...

    Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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